IMPORTANT NOTE: DURING THE COVID-19 MANDATED CLOSURES – DO NOT SHIP ANY WORK TO US. For information, contact us at: or 505-424-6487.

Information on this page is relevant only once any mandates have been lifted, but please contact us first before shipping any work even if the mandates have been lifted to verify we are ready to receive any artwork.

For new or renewing current EAI Members who would like to have their work represented in the ONLINE EAI Member Gallery,  you may send two good quality jpegs and information, and we will post your work in the online EAI Member Gallery, click here for more information, and here to see the online EAI member gallery.

Special instructions for Submitting Images for Press Releases/Ads/Promotion for shows:

If you would like to submit an image of the work you are sending for an EAI member show to be included in any Press Release for the Show/Advertising for the Show (and any other promotional tools for EAI shows), please email a high-quality jpeg image (at least 300 dpi, with largest dimension 5″) to Adrienne Mehrens: Please send this information as soon as possible after you receive a Call for Art or have been accepted into a juried show. Or if you look at the current Event Calendar and you already have a piece you are planning to submit for an upcoming show  — you may email this info any time. When you email the image, be sure to include the following information in the body of the email: Artist Name, Title, Media, Dimensions (h x w), and please note which show you are submitting the image and information for, also include the date piece was completed. Label your image file with your name, and title of your piece – do not use the default your camera assigns to the file name. Your permission/consent to use the image is implied if you choose to send your image for this purpose. Please note: you will, in most cases, be submitting an image for consideration by an editor or columnist — they will choose which image(s) and how many images to use.

See these additional guidelines/tips on submitting images to us.

Pricing and sales: All artwork must be available for sale at the time you submit the work.

For the EAI Online Member Gallery, we suggest you keep the piece available for sale while we have it exhibited online. If you do sell it separately from us, you may remove it from our site, and replace that piece with another. Please notify us as soon as possible if you sell one of your Member Gallery pieces so we can mark it as sold until you submit a new piece to replace it.

For Juried Exhibitions, all work submitted must be available for sale from the time you submit the work until the juror notifications have been sent. If your work is accepted into the exhibition, it must be available for sale through the close of the exhibition.

The Institute in accordance with the vote of its Board of Directors will retain a 30% commission/ 70% Going Back To the Artist for work sold in the EAI Member Gallery.

For national juried exhibitions, the commission is a 50-50% split.

Please take these factors into consideration when pricing your work.


During the COVID-19 mandated closure, you will not be shipping any work to us. For new or renewing current EAI Members who would like to have their work represented in the ONLINE EAI Member Gallery,  you may send a good quality jpg and information, and we will post your work in the online EAI Member Gallery, click here for more information, and here to see the online EAI member gallery.

Once we can begin showing work again in a brick-and-mortar space:

Size and hanging restrictions: All work must be ready to hang with a secure wire across the back. No sawtooth hangers. ANY ARTWORK WITHOUT THE PROPER MEANS TO HANG IT WILL NOT BE HUNG. Painting 2-D size restriction: no larger than 24 X 24 (equivalent – can be a different shape as long as the total inches add up to less than 24 x 24).  3-D work is restricted to 50 lbs for pedestal and 70 lbs for floor display and cannot exceed 24 x 12 x 12 (equivalent). For each member, we will accept one piece of art to remain on display in the gallery in addition to any piece you may submit for a member exhibit or any work accepted for a juried exhibit. You’ll also find more info here.

Gallery Wall Label information:

This label is separate from the information you need to email for press purposes. It is also separate from the Identifying label you attach to the back of your piece. This label will be on the wall in the gallery beside your piece. In other words, we need you to submit this information again even if you have previously sent the information for press purposes or supplied it attached to the back of your piece. Artists should email the following information in this order please:

Title of work, Artist name, State you live in (abbreviated to 2 letter abbreviation – or country name if you live outside of the US), medium, and retail sales price to: Adrienne Mehrens at (unless otherwise specified in a Call for Art). We do not put the dimensions on the gallery label, but it’s helpful if you send this information to us to assist in planning for hanging the exhibit. Dimensions should be in this order and format: height x width x depth (if a 3-d piece), in inches.

Identifying Label for the back of your piece: 

We also need you to print & fill out the label information for any Call for Art you receive.  (You can find the information needed for the label by clicking HERE) and attach it to your piece. This is so that we have a permanent record on your piece of who made it, and where to ship it back to if need be. When you ship or deliver your piece, download the label, print it out, fill it out, and attach it securely to the back of your painting, or at the bottom of your sculpture.  PLEASE FILL OUT FORM COMPLETELY and LEGIBLY.

When shipping artwork, please label the outside of the shipping box with your name and the name of the exhibit you are sending the work for, this helps us to locate your shipping box when returning. 

Special Information regarding shipping your work: 

Please ask for a required signature-on-delivery of your artwork. We are not responsible for packages left at the door without a signature.

FedEx and UPS Deliveries of any artwork should be sent to:  

the EAI Office: 18 County Road 55A, Cerrillos, NM 87010


Local,  hand-delivery of work to the gallery should still have label(s) attached. Deliver to:

EAI Office: 18 County Road 55A, Cerrillos, NM 87010