Any current Encaustic Art Institute (EAI) member may participate in the Online Member Gallery. You just need to submit two good quality jpegs and information about each image to us, and we will post your work in our online gallery. To check your current membership eligibility status, contact Adrienne Mehrens at, or call 505-424-6487.

Email us two jpegs of your work that you wish us to feature in the EAI Member Gallery Online. (We prefer high-resolution images but will accept an image saved at 150 dpi with the largest dimension of 1500 px. Click here to read more about sending us images of your work). Along with your jpegs, email us the following information:

  • your name
  • the state you currently live in (or country if outside the US)
  • your current email address
  • the title of the piece
  • the medium used – including the substrate it is on
  • dimensions h x w in inches (list the vertical dimension first, and, x depth IF your piece is 3-dimensional)
  • retail price

You will NOT be shipping the actual work to us. You will only be sending the jpegs and information.  Once your piece sells, we will contact you with the buyer’s information and you will ship the work directly to the buyer. The buyer pays the shipping cost.

Once you’ve been notified that a work of yours has sold, you may send us a new jpg/info and we will post the new piece for you.

The Institute, in accordance with the vote of EAI’s Board of Directors, retains a 30% commission fee, with 70% of the sales price going back to the artist (minus PayPal fees, if applicable) for work sold from the EAI Member Gallery. Please price your work accordingly.

If you have any questions about the process, contact Adrienne Mehrens at  505-424-6487, or