The Layers Run Deep, beeswax, damar resin, oil, gold leaf on wood, 30 x 30 x 1.5 inches

Price: $625.00 + $45 shipping fee


The word Flow has a deep spiritual meaning for me. It is that place at the center of my being where life freely moves through and with me. Flow is a state of consciousness that is full of life and serenity at the same time. It is a place where I can just be as life unfolds around me. Flow is always there at my core but is often covered with layers of mental and emotional patterns. These layers have been built over time as ways to cope with life. They may have served me at one time but now only create tightness and tension in my body. They are habits, deep grooves of patterns that persistently pop up. In the yoga tradition they are called samskaras or deep ruts of karma. Anytime I find myself feeling tightness or stress I can look closely and find an old layer of thinking that is no longer serving me. This painting represents the process of finding my flow. I continually interrupt the patterns to find freedom and space only to lose it again. It is my life work to peel back layer after layer to find that space of flow at my center. 

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