Suspended Animation (Diptych), encaustic and pigment image on wood panel, 22 x 17 inches

Price: $475.00 + $45 shipping fee


Flow, a description and an attitude is a word I have been familiar with for as long as I have worked I see Flow as a descriptive word and an attitude. It is a word that is very much part of the ancient medium of encaustic. To go with the flow means to let the work happen, to let the work tell me what it wants, and to let go of any need to compare myself or my work with others. Flow is also created when heat and wax come together during the encaustic process. Manipulating the wax with a heat source such as a torch, heat gun or hot palette develops into surprising patterns, swirls and lines shown in my work, Suspended Animation. As the pigment melted on the hot palette, stunning designs were created. 

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