Opening reception: MUSEUM OF ENCAUSTIC ART – September 17 (noon – 3 pm)


Global Warming is REAL. As scientific reports and photos warn of the changes in our earth’s atmosphere, we become sensitized to how global warming impacts us now and in the future. Global organizations such as, and these comprehensive articles from CNN and Smithsonian on the recently released United Nations-backed IPCC report, document the scientific facts and impacts of climate change, helping us to begin to assimilate and personalize the information. COVID-19 shutdowns over the past years may have temporarily lessened our carbon footprint, giving us a view in to what our individual affect on Global Warming constitutes. At the same time, climate change is becoming more visible and tangible.

Within the global warming theme there are several subset topics which would be acceptable for applicants to consider for inspiration for their entries, such as: warming temperatures, extreme weather, warming ocean temperatures, rising sea levels, glacial shrinking, melting ice sheets, species endangerment, habitat reduction, losses of coral reefs, climate migrants, food insufficiency or famine due to climate change – any issue related to climate change could be covered under the theme.

A creative interpretation of your thoughts and feelings on this subject as expressed through art will be the heart of this exhibition.  There are no parameters to your expression, only that your artwork be current.  The juror will make selections based on the interpretation of the Global Warming is REAL theme as well as the quality of the submitted artwork.




This exhibition is a National Exhibition open to all encaustic/wax artists whether they are a member of the Encaustic Art Institute or not. Also, any artist who is a member of the Encaustic Art Institute and resides outside of the USA is eligible to enter. Entrants are allowed to submit from one (1) to three (3) different artworks for consideration by the juror. The juror will choose only ONE piece from any entrant.

Any artwork created using wax-based media in 2-D or 3-D form is acceptable to submit for consideration by the juror. Wax-based media includes:  all forms of encaustic, hot or cold wax, and encaustic mixed media (with any combination of media). There are no parameters to your expression, only that your artwork be current, be made from wax-based media, and relates to the theme of the exhibit:  “Global Warming is REAL.”

Entry Fee: For EAI Members: $25, for Non-EAI Members: $35

Entry fee is payable within your EntryThingy entry, via PayPal or credit card, or you may send a check to EAI. Instructions on how to submit your fee are found within the EntryThingy entry form.

If you have found this Call for Art and are not currently an EAI member, and want to become a member or renew your membership, contact or click button below.  


Entries are submitted through our jury management program EntryThingy. You will find the portal to submit your entry here and instructions on how to use EntryThingy, or you can watch a video put out by EntryThingy.  

Note: Accepted entrants who are based outside of the USA may elect to either submit only their jpeg for the online-exhibit (and not ship their artwork to the Museum) OR may choose to ship their artwork to EAI/Museum of Encaustic Art for the in-person exhibition. All US-based artists will ship their work for the in-person exhibition and will also be featured in the online exhibition. (Details on this found in the entry requirements).

All entrants: please carefully read and follow the entry requirements listed below before submitting work for this exhibition. If you have any questions, contact or 505-424-6487.


  • All forms of encaustic/wax are acceptable media to submit for consideration by the juror – including cold wax, and mixed media – as long as wax is a key component. Please review the requirements for images, statements and size restrictions for actual artwork.

  • IMAGE REQUIREMENTS: Entrants may submit from one to three artworks (as high-resolution jpegs) for consideration by the juror. Images should be saved at a minimum of 150 ppi with 1500 px as the widest dimension, file size up to 10 MB. The juror will choose only ONE artwork/image from an entrant. Jpegs should only be of full size images of the work – no details/close up views allowed even if you are submitting only one piece of art for your entry. More details on image requirements may be found in EntryThingy.

  • EXHIBIT-SPECIFIC ARTIST STATEMENT: A statement describing how your entry addresses the global warming theme (50 words minimum – 250 words maximum) is required as part of your entry.
    • Note: The EntryThingy system limits what they will accept for statements to a maximum of 530 characters – which is significantly less than what we will accept. If the length of your statement is longer than what EntryThingy allows, type in “statement sent separately” in the field where EntryThingy requests your statement. Then you may send a Word doc, Pages document, or PDF file of your text to us. We will forward it to the juror to read with your entry. Email it to Be sure to include your entry number as generated in EntryThingy with this statement. This document should not be more than 250 words and should absolutely NOT include any identifying personal information, as all entries are to be submitted anonymously to the juror. Statements sent separately from the EntryThingy entry must be received no later than midnight on July 31 when entries close. 

The in-person exhibition will be held at the Museum of Encaustic Art in New Mexico. The online component to the exhibit will consist of the jpegs submitted as entries. Please be mindful when editing your jpegs to submit. Choose the best quality images possible to represent your work to the public (as well as to the juror). Both the online and in-person exhibits will present your statements with your artwork, please review your statements carefully for typos, we will not edit the submitted statements.

  • All artwork must be for sale – and remain eligible for sale – from the time the entry is submitted until the close of the exhibition, October 16. 

2-D artwork must be 24 x 24 inches equivalent (or under)

3-D artwork must be 20 x 20 inches equivalent (or under)

  • Any accepted artist who is based outside of the US – may elect to either submit ONLY their jpeg (and artist statement) for the online exhibit only (and not ship their artwork to EAI) OR they may choose to ship their artwork to EAI/Museum of Encaustic Art for inclusion in the in-person exhibition and the online exhibition. We expect that all US-based accepted artists will be shipping their work for inclusion in both the in-person and online exhibition.
  • For those who elect to participate in the online exhibition only: if the work sells, the buyer pays shipping, with a $45 shipping fee added to the retail sales price at the point of sale. The artist will be responsible to ship the work to the buyer and EAI will reimburse the artist.
  • For those who ship their work to EAI/MoEA for the in-person exhibition: if the work sells, the Museum will be responsible to ship to the buyer with a $45 shipping fee added to the retail sales price at the point of sale.

  • ALL ARTISTS MUST PRE-ARRANGE RETURN SHIPPING. This means – All shipped artwork MUST include a pre-paid return shipping label in the packaging for the return of your artwork in the event that your work is not sold – NO EXCEPTIONS. We are not storing artwork and do not wish to chase artists down to return unsold work. The easiest way to facilitate return shipping is with a pre-paid shipping label purchased at the time you ship the work. If you do not opt to provide a pre-paid shipping label with your artwork, please open an account with either FedEX or UPS so we can use your account number to ship your painting back (if unsold) AND include this information in your package The only exception to this requirement is for hand-delivered work that is not sold during the exhibition which will be picked up at the close of the exhibit – NO OTHER EXCEPTIONS.

  • ENTRY FEE: $25 entry fee for current EAI members, $35 entry fee for non-EAI members.

 Entry fee is payable within your EntryThingy entry, via PayPal or credit card, or you may send a check to EAI. Instructions on how to submit your fee are found within the EntryThingy entry form. If you elect to send a check for your entry fee: Once you complete your entry, contact us (or 505-424-6487) to alert us that you are sending a check so we can credit your payment to your entry.

  • COMMISSION FEE: Please note EAI/MoEART takes a 50% commission fee on any work sold from a National Juried Exhibition.



If at any point after you have submitted your entry through EntryThingy, (but prior to the closing date for entries) you realize you need to edit or adjust anything in your entry, contact with your request to change the status of your entry. We will set your entry to “unsubmitted” which will allow you to go back into EntryThingy and make your edits. When you’re finished, just submit your entry to complete the process.

Applications open: May 28     Last Day to apply: July 31

Or click button at the bottom of this page.

You’ll find additional instructions on how to use the EntryThingy Portal on the EAI website, or here.


Entries are due no later than midnight on July 31. Please note this deadline is firm and we will not accept entries after the entry period closes. All entries must be complete in order to be considered, no exceptions.

Please note, we strongly suggest that you do NOT wait until the last day to submit your entry. You should allow yourself enough time to familiarize yourself with the EntryThingy system before the deadline so you don’t run into problems close to the deadline. Please give us (and yourself) at least a one day cushion in case you need to correct something, or we need to contact you to clarify something in your entry. Entries close at midnight on July 31, but there will be no support available after 5 pm on July 31.

Notification of Juror results:    AUGUST 20

Artists will be notified of the juror results via email on August 20 by EntryThingy and accepted artists’ names will be posted to the EAI website by August 21. Notification emails will be sent to the email address you’ve used in your EntryThingy profile, and will be coming from an alerts@EntryThingy email address. Watch for the notification, and ensure that your email is a current address that you actively monitor when you submit your entry. Don’t forget to follow up and check your email for the notification – or check the website to see the juror results. Once notices have been sent, we will not contact you to verify you’ve seen the results –  this is your responsibility. Further instructions and next steps will be emailed to accepted entrants and will be posted on the EAI website. We will also ask accepted entrants to confirm the details of their entry prior to the exhibition launch, please respond with any edits or corrections in a timely manner.


Accepted entrants will receive a copy of the information submitted as an entry – personal info (name/email) image caption information, price, artist statement. This information will be emailed around August 21. All accepted artists must confirm that there are no changes, or respond with any edits or corrections. This will be the only opportunity to make any edits or changes. Also any accepted artists based outside of the US will need to notify us whether they intend to participate in the in-person exhibition and will be shipping work to us, or if they intend to only participate in the online version of the exhibit and will not be shipping work to us. Deadline to respond and to provide any edits/changes/corrections is August 28. Reply to


Detailed shipping instructions will be emailed to accepted artists after juror notifications have been sent and will also be posted on this website. Artists accepted into exhibition are responsible to read and follow all instructions regarding deadlines, verifying their entry details, pre-paid shipping receipts, etc. Do not forget to include your pre-paid shipping label when you ship your artwork.


For artists who live locally and wish to hand-deliver their artwork for this exhibit, please deliver to EAI/Museum of Encaustic Art only between the hours of 11 am – 4 pm on any of these days:

Friday/Saturday/Sunday AUGUST 26, 27, 28 OR Friday/Saturday/Sunday SEPTEMBER 2, 3, 4

OR Friday/Saturday/Sunday SEPTEMBER 9, 10, 11

If you are hand-delivering artwork to us, you will still need to print out and attach the identification label to your artwork. You will also provide a pre-paid shipping label, OR your FedEX or UPS account number for the return of unsold work when you drop off the work OR you must pick up unsold work on the dates listed below.

DEADLINES TO PICK-UP Unsold work: on the weekend following the close of the exhibition – Fri/Sat/Sun, October 21, 22, or 23 between the hours of 11-4.

ALL ARTWORK MUST BE LABELED: Click here to find the identification label to affix to the back of your work (or bottom of 3-D work).

Click here to find out more about pre-paid return shipping labels required for work shipped to EAI for the in-person exhibition. THIS IS A REQUIREMENT for any work shipped for the in-person exhibition – do not ship your work for the exhibition unless you have PRE-arranged for the return shipping of unsold work.

Exhibition opens:   SEPTEMBER 17 and runs through OCTOBER 16 at the Museum of Encaustic Art, 18 County Rd 55A, Cerrillos NM and with an online launch on the EAI website. The Museum is open from 11 am -4 pm Fri/Sat/Sun. Click here for a map.

Opening reception: SEPTEMBER 17 from noon – 3 pm

Exhibition closes: OCTOBER 16


The Museum of Encaustic Art will advertise the exhibition on the MoEA website, the online Encaustic Arts Magazine, as well as the Encaustic Art Institute website, blog, Instagram, and EAI Facebook page. Promotion will include print marketing and saturated email marketing to EAI’s over 6,000 addresses.  Artists are encouraged to advertise their participation in the exhibition on their websites and social media networks.


Artists who have been accepted into this exhibition will find detailed instructions on their next steps, detailed shipping info, deadlines, etc., posted here and on a separate website page. Link to instructions will be posted after the juror notifications have been sent.

Entrants may find additional instructions on how to use the EntryThingy Portal on the EAI website, or here.

For questions regarding entry or anything related to the exhibition, contact Douglas Mehrens at

or call 505-424-6487.

Be inspired and enjoy the process!